Music Producer - jbleu1975


United States
8 connections

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10 plays
Bienvenue (Espoir de L' Amour)

0 plays
Ester's Eyes

1 play
Member Since: June 3, 2016
Studio Access: YES

Producer Fee: $150

Gender: MALE
Country: United States

Composer/Producer and the Adelyne Project.
I live off the coast of I've worked in Los Angeles, NYC, Nashville, Atlanta and The record labels have become obsolete as is the notion of needing 10 songs completed. All u need is 1 great song w\ a great video to get traction w\ ur audience. Dreams r fragile, b true to yourself.
Send me a version of ur song, I'll produce an arrangement that is Musical u can cut vocals to for If u need more production we can talk.

10 plays

Bienvenue (Espoir de L' Amour)

0 plays

Ester's Eyes

1 play

jbleu1975 has no reviews.