Session Singer, Vocalist, Songwriter and Music Producer - Lnonymous


(Vocalist, Producer)
Atlanta, United States
No Connections

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Growing Pains

40 plays
It's Alright ft. Vicky Racedo

1 play
Member Since: November 24, 2020
Studio Access: YES

Producer Fee: $150
Vocalist Fee: $150

Gender: MALE
Country: United States

  • Rap

  • English

Ghostwriter, Producer, Composer in various genres

Lnonymous pronounced (El-non-uh-mus) musical style is hard to place in a box. It's a combination of an old school feel with a new age message. His name means the unseen and seen divine presence. His response, to his creative style, "It's MORE than music and I'm MORE than an artist."
Growing Pains

40 plays

It's Alright ft. Vicky Racedo

1 play

Lnonymous has no reviews.