Session Singer, Vocalist, Songwriter - Ian


Seattle, WA, United States
9 connections

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47 plays

7 plays
You Aint Stoppin' Me

142 plays
Member Since: January 21, 2018
Studio Access: NO

Gender: MALE
Country: United States
Microphone: a phone so far lol

  • Chill Out

Sounds Like: Jason Mraz 0

Vocal Styles: Soulful 0

Vocal Characteristic: Smooth 0 Strong 1

I've been singing since High School, and never put much thought into writing until just this year.
Got Dumped, and a close friend of mine recommended I write a song to ease my mind.
At first I was hesitant, but then I wrote a song, then I was hooked.
I've written a new song every few days since then.
I've had a lot of positive feedback on my sound so I think its time to take this seriously.
Looking for a beat to place behind my voice. a creative partner.
All songs on my profile a written by me, although recorded on my in my kitchen lol
So obviously there's some room for improved quality of sound.
Looking forward to see what comes next.

47 plays


7 plays

You Aint Stoppin' Me

142 plays

Ian has no reviews.