Music Producer - 1219


St. Louis, United States
No Connections

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Member Since: August 13, 2015
Studio Access: YES

Producer Fee: $300

Gender: MALE
Country: United States

  • Electro
  • Chill Out
  • Breaks

Producer from St. Louis, MO. It may sound crazy, but to give you a geographical location of where I'm from, it's in the center of the United States.

My influences come from all over. I try to be as diverse in my sound as possible and create a well rounded sound. My musical experience goes back as far a 5 years old with my Fisher Price tape recorder with the microphone, and a cheap Realistic keyboard from my grandmother. I would play with those for hours as a kid. My big brother is a key influence on my musical background, he was a huge fan of old school hip hop, and I used to always want to be around him so he has a huge influence on what I do.

Fast forward a few years and I'm in middle school, where it mattered whether you were cool or not. I got used to hearing pop wasn't cool. Instead I discovered the likes of Radiohead, Coldplay, Massive Attack, Portishead, and many others in the darker styles of music. And it never left me. I'll still borrow elements from hip-hop, jazz, pop, soul, funk, blues, world, electronic, chill wave and more, but they remain close by-products and elements to cultivate a sound that is unique and on par with the modern sound. My whole goal in life as a musician is to create music people haven't really heard before.

I would say that these days my sound has taken up more of the trip-hop/electro/indie-rock sound, where I use a drum machine and real instruments to create my downtempo, but heavy and epic melodies to carry my sound along, as it truly speaks from my soul.

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