Session Singer, Vocalist, Songwriter and Music Producer - mikesaaa


(Vocalist, Producer)
9 connections

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my new song called "m down the ocean" , written, produced and sang by me.

299 plays
my remake of "Mirrors" by justin timberlake.

153 plays
written, produced n sang by me. hope you enjoy!

42 plays
Member Since: February 5, 2018
Studio Access: YES

Producer Fee: $600
Vocalist Fee: $100

Gender: MALE
Country: Iran
Microphone: various mics

  • Rap

Sounds Like: Charlie Puth 0 Justin Timberlake 0

Vocal Characteristic: Deep 0 Low 0 Smooth 0

i'm a producer n i like to produce a wide range of different music styles. looking forward to collaborate with pple from different countries n eager to prove myself as a producer.
my new song called "m down the ocean" , written, produced and sang by me.

299 plays

my remake of "Mirrors" by justin timberlake.

153 plays

written, produced n sang by me. hope you enjoy!

42 plays

mikesaaa has no reviews.