Session Singer, Vocalist, Songwriter and Music Producer - lukemeyersmusic


(Vocalist, Producer)
Melbourne, Australia
4 connections

0.00 Star
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Music Man

366 plays
I Don't Know

21 plays
Lost Without You

58 plays
Member Since: September 18, 2017
Studio Access: YES

Vocalist Fee: $300

Gender: MALE
Country: Australia
Microphone: Aston Spirt

  • Chill Out
  • Hard Rock

Sounds Like: STEVEN TYLER 0 Michael Hutchins 0 Brain Howe 0

Vocal Styles: Classical 0 Rock 0 Spoken Word 0

Vocal Characteristic: Crisp 0 High 0 Smooth 0 Strong 0

Hey there everyone, its great to be here. Im Luke and iv just moved to Melbourne, Victoria from Perth after playing on cruise ships in America for the last 3 years as a soloist.

Im a Singer/Songwriter and play guitar! Iv a huge passion for recording songs in my home studio, and id now like to branch out and find more work in the music industry.
Ill always stick to my solo stuff though id like to find a rocking band here in Melbourne and even do some session work for other bands, studios and producers.
Music Man

366 plays

I Don't Know

21 plays

Lost Without You

58 plays

lukemeyersmusic has no reviews.