Session Singer, Vocalist, Songwriter - biacarvalho


Sofia, Bulgaria
1 connection

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The Silence

41 plays
Remember My Name

11 plays

10 plays
Member Since: December 9, 2020
Studio Access: YES

Vocalist Fee: $100

Gender: FEMALE
Country: Bulgaria
Microphone: MXL 770

  • Prog Rock
  • Punk
  • Blues
  • Folk
  • Garage

  • English
  • Portuguese

Sounds Like: Marina 0 Florence Welch 0 Haim 0

Vocal Styles: Choir 0 Pop Diva 0 Rock 0

Vocal Characteristic: High 0 Rough 0 Strong 0 Raspy 0

Hello! I'm Bia, a Brazilian vocalist currently living in Bulgaria.

Since 2018, I've been the lead vocal for People of Maha, an alternative/indie rock band. We released their debut album in 2021 titled Blue to Gold. You can access the band's Spotify or check the showreel for lyrical samples as well (all the band's songs except for The Silence were written by me).

The fee is minimum for vocals for a full song. If you need lyrics as well, the fee will be higher.

I provide raw vocals in WAV format and you can feel free to work with them as you please.

I can also provide a sample in case you want to be sure I will be a good fit for your song.

If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them.
The Silence

41 plays

Remember My Name

11 plays


10 plays

biacarvalho has no reviews.