Music Producer - SergioGomez


Alcasser, Spain
1 connection

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Beats At The Backroom, (No Mix, No Master)

18 plays
Pop/Indie Sample

1 play
Sample Hiphop

2 plays
Member Since: November 16, 2017
Studio Access: NO

Gender: MALE
Country: Spain

  • Electronica
  • Techno


I am a Spanish audio engineer / designer & music producer. I am specialized in the electronic music industry but I have worked with many clients on styles such as rock, hip hop and pop as well.
I am a very creative person when I am working on a track production, that means, I can help you with your project, since it is a simple idea, through the production, with the design of the sounds, drums, instruments, and ambience (if needed), till the post-production services.
Just ask me what you need, and I will help you untill you get your music where you want.
Beats At The Backroom, (No Mix, No Master)

18 plays

Pop/Indie Sample

1 play

Sample Hiphop

2 plays

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