Session Singer, Vocalist, Songwriter - SANDS


Bangalore, India
3 connections

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ESINES - Its me (Its Me ('Prod. Zukamime')

106 plays
ESINES - You can't get rid of me (Beats by Flow Twenty)

4 plays
Call me up (Beats by Fella G)

58 plays
Member Since: July 23, 2016
Studio Access: YES

Vocalist Fee: $30

Gender: MALE
Country: India

  • Rap

Sounds Like: Eminem 0 ESINES 0

Vocal Styles: A Capella 0 Rap 0

Vocal Characteristic: Strong 0

A Rapper trying hard to make it in rap industry.
ESINES - Its me (Its Me ('Prod. Zukamime')

106 plays

ESINES - You can't get rid of me (Beats by Flow Twenty)

4 plays

Call me up (Beats by Fella G)

58 plays

SANDS has no reviews.