Session Singer, Vocalist, Songwriter - Masculineclam


Singapore, Singapore
5 connections

0.00 Star
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Member Since: August 28, 2017
Studio Access: YES

Gender: FEMALE
Country: Singapore
Microphone: SM58

  • Electronica
  • Tech

Sounds Like: Myself 0

Vocal Characteristic: Silky 0 Smooth 0

Hey there! I'm Mun.
Just discovered this site 10 minutes ago, still figuring out.
I enjoy writing and singing in my free time, although I do have a dream of becoming somewhat like a Chinese Grimes (haha). Tech is pretty much unchartered territory in the Chinese pop music industry, and hey, maybe I could find some collaborators! :)

Say Hi!
Instagram: @munthings
Band: @manmanlaisg
Facebook: Ng Mun

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