Music Producer - KatMachina


United States
6 connections

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When You Go (Instrumental Draft)

16 plays
BLK (instrumental Snip)

5 plays
When You Go (Snippet)

30 plays
Member Since: April 1, 2017
Studio Access: YES

Gender: MALE
Country: United States

  • Electronica
  • Chill Out

First of all, apologies for only having a couple of tracks. I used to do many other genres under many different names (100s of songs), but I'm changing up my sound currently.

I am a Downtempo/Chillwave/Trip Hop/Future R&B producer in the US.
I'm in need of vocalists for debut EP.
However, I'd be thrilled to work on something of YOURS if you'd like something other than the basic-ass beats and stereotypical sounds. I'm all about anything unique or different. I DON'T EVEN HAVE A FEE.
Contact me and we will discuss!
When You Go (Instrumental Draft)

16 plays

BLK (instrumental Snip)

5 plays

When You Go (Snippet)

30 plays

KatMachina has no reviews.