Session Singer, Vocalist, Songwriter - Carolyn


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38 plays
A Brighter Day

1 play
Member Since: May 19, 2016
Studio Access: NO

Gender: FEMALE
Country: Canada

Sounds Like: Kate Bush 0 Kylie Minogue 0

Carolyn McCormack has received significant recognition for her songwriting. A winner of the 2004 Northern Ontario MooseTrax Songwriting Competiton with her song "Heavy Deal Goin' Down", nominee for Best Acoustic Female for her song, "Is Love the Answer?" at the Toronto Independent Music Awards, and a finalist for Song of the Year Song Contest for her song, "Is Love the Answer". Her songs have been recorded by independent artists as well as recorded for compilation CD's for charity. She has performed all over Southern Ontario and her debut album, "Livin' Dangerously!" has sold in Canada, England, UK, Portland Oregan, and the States through CDBaby. Carolyn is a member of the Songwriters Association of Canada and SOCAN.

38 plays

A Brighter Day

1 play

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