Session Singer, Vocalist, Songwriter - BigWiLL


Philadelphia, United States
No Connections

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Member Since: December 30, 2015
Studio Access: NO

Gender: MALE
Country: United States
Microphone: Se X1

AlOTTa MuSiCiAnS OuT HeRe SaY "they got it" YoU NeEd To KNOW YoUr ThE BeSt YoU GoT tO AdJuSt YoU GoT To KnOw YoUr PuRpoSe iN LifE AnD ThAT PurPoSe HaS To bE YouR MuSic If It AinT YouR PaSsiOn iT AiNt HapPenin. LeTs GeT tO iT and bReAK ThaT BreAD

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